Business Law

Business Law Services
In setting up a new enterprise or making changes to your present business, there are a number of actions to be addressed. Chief among these is the determination of the type of entity you wish to create: corporation, S-corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, or sole proprietorship. An experienced corporate attorney can assist in making this decision (although the services of an accountant are recommended for specific tax issues) and can create the documents and do the filings necessary to get your business up and running while protecting all owners or to make the changes to your business structure that will better help you to achieve your goals.
This attorney can also assist in making sure that you meet your legal obligations with regard to filing, keeping corporate records, etc., and can assist you in finding resources to help with licenses, permits, and other governmental requirements for your business. Finally, we can help with your decision to dissolve your business and help you take the steps necessary to do so. Our law firm can help you make these decisions and set up your company in a timely and efficient manner to achieve your company goals.
In the operation of your business, you may need to purchase all or part of the assets of another business, sell part or all of your business assets, or merge your company with another company to further your business goals. These sale or purchase transactions require a number of legal documents, such as an asset purchase agreement and bill of sale, and some may require the creation of certain financing documents, such as notes, deeds of trust, guarantees, etc.
Merging two companies into one will require filings with the North Carolina Secretary of State (and of other states, where applicable) as well as the generation of resolutions, etc., to complete the process. Our law firm can help you accomplish the sale, purchase, or merger of your company, and we pride ourselves on our timely, efficient, and accurate representation of our clients.
Any business which is actively involved in the sale or purchase of goods and/or services will require the creation of contracts for a variety of reasons: sales agreements, non-disclosure agreements, teaming agreements, non-compete agreements, licenses, and others. You may also receive agreements from the other party involved and require a review of such agreements as well as help in negotiating provisions which are unacceptable to you. Our law firm can help you accomplish the generation and/or negotiation of agreements that will serve your company’s business needs.
The initial setting up of a nonprofit corporation is similar to that of a for-profit corporation; however, there are a number of state and federal requirements that must be followed in drafting and filing the necessary documents to create your nonprofit. Additionally, if you seek to receive donations which are tax-deductible to the giver, you will need to file a 501(c)(3) or similar application with the IRS to receive this status. Our law firm can help you with the setup and related filings for your nonprofit corporation to achieve your business goals.
In running your business, you will likely need advice on a regular basis concerning employment issues, company policies, disputes with vendors and/or customers, transportation issues, purchases of real property, leases of real property and of equipment, intellectual property issues, protection of assets, required filings, and other business needs. Additionally, if you have employees, you will need an employee manual and possibly non-compete and employment contracts. Our firm can help you with the day-to-day needs of your company in a timely, accurate, and efficient manner.
Today, business owners and individual employees face a wide variety of employment-related regulations and can become engaged in a variety of work-related disputes. Our labor and employment attorneys have vast experience with and are ready to assist you or your business in understanding and complying with applicable regulations and addressing disputes that may arise.
Such matters may include drafting and reviewing employment agreements, non-competition agreements, employee handbooks, and severance agreements; FMLA and other leave; Wage and Hour issues; unemployment benefits; sexual harassment; claims of discrimination based upon race, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or age and retaliation.